Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cora’s Story : jedna tužna priča i jedan plemenit cilj

Znam da ste navikli da vam cipelice predstavljaju vesele skitalice i interesantne tutoriale.
Međutim , ovaj put dužna sam da iskoristim ovaj blog i sve vas za jedan plemenit projekat u koji se uključuje sve više žena i majki širom svijeta s ciljem da se poboljša zdravlje naših bebica.
Dovoljno je samo da pokrenemo priču , za početak.
Neki odvažniji će pokušati da stvar uzmu u svoje ruke.
Nadam se da je takvih među vama mnogo.
Ne znam kako i odakle da počnem. Ali osjećam obavezu i želju da pišem o njoj.
Priča o maloj Cori je  tužna .
Rođena je kao vesela i zdrava beba , 30. novembra 2009. Njen Apgar  bio je 9 (ocjena bebe u porodilištu). Pet dana po rođenju Cora je nenadano umrla majci u naručju .
Ispostavilo se da je  imala urođeni defekt srca koji nije otkriven redovnim pregledom ali se vjerovatno mogao otkriti  puls oksimetrom koji bi, da je urađen po rođenju , možda omogućio Cori da se raduje prvom rođendanu.

Cora Mae McCormick

Zašto rastužujem i vas i sebe ovom pričom?
Sama sam majka i kao takva osjećam želju da pomognem Kristini , Corinoj mami u njenoj misiji : 
Danas Cora spašava živote .

Kristina  zajedno sa drugim majkama edukuje sve žene kako da prepoznaju znakove CHD i na koji način da pomognu bebi.Takođe se zalaže da se u svim bolnicama uvede puls oksimetar test kao obaveza i pravo svake rođene bebe.

Zašto je ovaj test tako važan?

Urođeni defekti srca i krvotoka (CHD) najčešće su urođene anomalije beba , a velik broj ih ostane neotkriven tokom rutinskog pregleda novorođenčeta . Termin CHD ( Congenital Heart Disease ) obuhvata čitav niz  različitih defekata srca i/ili krvotoka prisutnih po rođenju ( promjene u samoj strukturi unutrašnjih zidova srca , srčanih zalistaka ili promjene u arterijama ili venama).
Podaci pristigli iz SAD poražavajući su. Dokazano je da je CHD najčešći  uzrok smrtnosti u prvoj godini života –  3 % svih rođenih beba , a u grupi beba rođenih s nekom urođenom manom čak 40% ih u prvoj godini umre zbog CHD.
Ostatak ih u prvoj godini doživi teška oštećenja ( moždani , srčani udar i dr.) i oni postaju djeca s teškim invaliditetima.
Slično je i u ostalim razvijenijim zemljama.

U praksi se pokazalo da se puls oksimetrom mogu detektovati slučajevi CHD koji bi inače ostali neprimjećeni .Istraživanja  ukazuju na to da značajan procenat  CHD beba ne bude registrovan rutinskim pregledom u prvim danima života , nego tek kasnije u prvim mjesecima ili tokom prve godine kada im je već teško ili kasno pomoći.

Jedno od višegodišnjih istraživanja u SAD pokazalo je da je testiranjem beba koje nisu imale nikakve znakove CHD  , puls oksimetrom otkriveno čak 1 % djece koja su na rutinkom pregledu označena kao zdrava a bila su bolesna.
Možda vam 1% ne zvuči strašno ,ali šta ako vam kažem da je u brojkama to bila 61 beba u periodu od dvije godine samo u jednoj bolnici. 
61 beba sa težim oblikom CHD koja je mogla otići kući bez pravovremene dijagnoze. 
A to je tek jedno od istraživanja. Više poražavajućih brojki imate  OVDJE

Tokom 2010. veliki broj bolnica u SAD  i  Evropi uveo je ili uvodi puls oksimetar test po rođenju kao obavezan, kao što je  npr. test provjere sluha. Potpuno bezbolan , radi se  24 sata po rođenju tako da se sonda stavi bebi na ruku ili nogu/stopalo i traje 2-5 minuta.Za sve vrijeme trajanja pregleda , majka može da drži bebu uz sebe.Na ovaj način doktori se dodatno osiguravaju da reaguju pravovremeno gdje treba i počnu liječenje odmah .Na taj način spašavaju bebe od sigurne smrti ili teškog invaliditeta.
Mnogo je priča koje su zahvaljujući ovom testu dobile sretan završetak .
Za razliku od Core.

Već je spomenuto da metoda nije skupa ( doktori kažu cost neutral), da može da spasi život bebe i da je dugoročno gledano medicinski opravdana/isplativa.Znači,aparat se koristi neograničen broj puta poput tlakomjera i pokazuje nivo zasićenosti krvi (hemoglobina) kiseonikom.
Cijena jednog puls oksimetra varira , najskuplji su oko 750 EUR.
A jedan je dovoljan za sve bebe.
Zašto ne bi imali tri?
Zapitajmo se koliko košta život jedne bebe?
Želja mi je da pomognem Kristini u njenoj misiji očuvanja uspomene na Coru. Iz tog razloga sam kontaktirala naše Minstarstvo zdravlja s ciljem da vidim šta i koliko se može učiniti na tome da puls oksimetar i kod nas postane rutinski test.
Učinite i vi isto. 
Borimo se za naše bebe jer one se ne mogu boriti za sebe.

Više podataka možete pročitati npr. OVDJE i OVDJE

Kristini lično možete se javiti OVDJE i OVDJE.
Cora’s Story : one sad story and one kind cause

I know that you ae used to see little baby shoes and interesting tutorials here.But , this time I am obligated to use my blog and all of you for one kind cause that so many women and mothers around the globe are fighting for in order to improve ou babies healthcare.
For starters , it is enough that we all just start talking about this.
Some more brave among us will take things in their own hands.
I hope that many of you are within this categorie...
I do not know how and where to start from.But I feel both obligation and need to write about her.
The story about baby Cora is  sad.
She was born as a happy and healthy baby  on the 30th November 2009. Her Apgar score was 9.But five days after birth , Cora suddenly died in her mother’s arms.
It turned out that she was born with congenital heart disease which could not be detected during routine examination of a newborn but maybe could have been detected if a puls oximetry test was performed which would have given Cora a chance to be looking forward to her first birthday.
Why am I making both you and me sad by telling you this story ?
I , myself am a mother and as such I feel the need to help Kristine in her mission : Today Cora saves lives.
Kristine  and other mothers like her educate women how to recognize signs of CHD and how to help their babies in such cases. She is also working hard on spreading the word why it s so important to include the puls oximetry screening as obligatory newborn screening test in the hospitals.

Why is this test so important?
Congenital defects of the heart and vascular system are the most common congenital defects in newborns , and great deal of these remain undetected during the routine examination after birth. The term CHD includes quite a range of different heart and/or vascular defects ( changes in the inner walls of the heart , valves or arteries and veins). It is the most common cause of death within the first year of life of all the newborns – 3% of all , and in the group of babies born with any of the congenital malformations 40% dies within the first year because of CHD. The rest suffers from severe morbidity ( stroke , heart failure etc.) and become disabled .It is similar in the rest of the developed countries.

In the medical practice it is shown that pus oximetry can detect some causes of CHD which would otherwise remained undetected. Researchers pointed out that significant percent of CHD babies is not diagnosed within the first days of life , but later on in first months or within the first year when it is already too difficult or impossible to help. One of the researches in the USA showed that testing babies who did not show any of the signs of CHD , puls oximetry ponited 1% of the babies that passed the routine test but did have CHD.Maybe you thnk that 1% is not that significant. What if I tell you that in numbers that was 61 baby in two years , in  one hospital . 61 baby with serious CHD that could have been released home as healthy.And that was just on research. More scary numbers you can find  here
In 2010. Many hospitals in USA and Europe use or is considering to use puls oximetry screening of newborns as mandatory , like ex. the hearing test .It is painless , performed 24 hours after birth , the probe is placed on bay’s arm or leg and lasts 2-5 minutes.During the test mother can be with the baby. This way doctors feel more confident , they can react on time and start the treatment. This way they are saving babies from the certain death or disability. There are many stories with a happy end thanks to this test.But Cora’s story is sad…

It has already been mentioned that this test is not expensive ( doctors say it is cost neutral ) , that it can save baby’s life and looking longterm it is medically justified/it pays off.One puls ox can be used as manz times as ex. blood pressure monitor device and points saturatin of heamoglobin with oxigen
The price of one puls oximeter varies , most expensive are around 750 USD. 
And one is enough.
Why wouldn't we have three?
Let us ask ourselves what is the price of a baby’s life?
I feel the need to help Kristine in her mission of keeping the memory of her baby Cora. That is why  I have contacted local Ministry of Health to see what can be done in order to implement this test as a routine test in our hospitals.
Why wouldn’t you do the same? Let us fight for our babies because they can not do it themselves.
More info HERE and HERE
Contact Kristine HERE and HERE

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